IEEE Computer Society

IEEE European Test Workshop

Montpellier (Hotel La Corniche in Sète), France

June 14 - 16, 1996



6:00pm-8:00pm: Workshop Registration
(the registration desk will also be open 8:00am-10:00am on Wednesday)

8:00pm-10:00pm: Dinner


8:15am-8:30am: WELCOME

C. Landrault, LIRMM, F - H.J.Wunderlich, Univ. of Siegen, Germany

8:30am-10:00am: SESSION 1: DFT

Chair: T.W. Williams, IBM, USA

  1. Scan Insertion in a Multi-module Design, giving designers the control they want
    J. Beausang, C. Ellingham* - Synopsys Inc., USA , M. Robinson - VLSI Technology, Inc., USA

  2. Layout-Driven Scan Chain Partitioning and Reordering
    S. Barbagallo, M. Lobetti, D. Medina -Italtel, Italy
    F. Corno, P. Prinetto, M. Sonza Reorda - Politecnico di Torino, Italy

  3. On-Line and Off-Line Testing Using a Linear Code-Preserving Signature Analyzer Checker
    A. Hlawiczka* - University of Gliwice, Poland
    M. Goessel - University of Postdam, Germany,
    E.S. Sogomonyan - Institute of control sciences, Moscow, Russia

10:00am-11:00am: POSTER SESSION 1: On-Line and Off-Line BIST

  1. A Heuristic Method for CMOS Circuits Self-Checking Efficiency Estimation
    C. Quennesson, P. Debaud, E. Dupont-Nivet - CEA, France
    H. Mehrez - MASI, Univ. P et M Curie, France

  2. BIST With Multiple On-chip Signature Comparisons
    M.F. Abdulla, C.P. Ravikumar, A. Kumar - Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India

  3. Testability Measure for Combinational Circuits when Random Testing
    V. Prepin, R. David - LAG / ENSIEG, France

  4. Random Pattern Testability of AND/EXOR Expressions
    R. Drechsler, H. Hengster, B. Becker - Albert Ludwigs Univ, Frieburg, Germany
    H. Schafer - Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt / Main, Germany

  5. Practical Problems of System Self-Test
    J. Sosnowski - Warsaw Univ. of Technology, Poland

  6. A New Architecture for On-Line Selfchecking Circuits
    M. Riege - Philips Semiconductors, Hamburg, Germany, W. Anheier - Univ. of Bremen, Germany

  7. A Method to Calculate a Deterministic Test Pattern Generator Based on Cellular Automata
    M.J. Lopez, M. Martinez, S. Bracho - Univ. of Cantabria, Spain

  8. Self-Test of Integrated Circuit Wafers
    S. Chessa, P. Maestrini - Univ. di Pisa, Italy

11:00am-12:30pm: SESSION 2: BIST

Chair: Y. Zorian, Lucent Technology, USA

  1. Scan-based BIST with Complete Fault Coverage and Low Hardware Overhead
    H.J. Wunderlich*, G. Kiefer - Univ. of Siegen, Germany

  2. Condensed Circular Self-Test Path: A Low-Cost Circular BIST
    D. Badura, A. Hlawiczka* - Univ. of Gliwice, Poland

  3. Enhancing Pseudo Exhaustive Test Set Quality by Code Bit Inversions
    J. Hlavicka* - Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic
    O. Novak - Technical University, Liberec, Czech Republic

12:30pm-2:00pm: LUNCH

2:00pm-3:30pm: SESSION 3: Sensors for Thermal and Current Testing

Chair: Y. Burgess, Mentor Graphics, USA

  1. Design of a BIC Monitor for Iddq Testing of CMOS VLSI Circuits
    V. Stopjakova*, B. Weber - Slovak Techn. Univ., Slovakia, H. Manhaeve - KHBO, Belgium

  2. An Improved Switch for Keating-Meyer Iddq/Issq Testing
    X. Font*, J. Rius, J. Figueras - UPC Barcelona, Spain

  3. An Approach to Dynamic Thermal Testing
    J. Altet*, A. Rubio - UPC Barcelona, Spain

3:30pm-4:30pm: POSTER SESSION 2: Analog and IDDQ Testing

  1. A Sigma-Delta ADC for Analogue and Digital Test
    P.J. Mather, J. Raczkowycz - Univ. of Huddersfield, UK

  2. A Practical Approach to Fault Localization in Crystal Oscillators
    M. Santo-Zarnik, S. Macek - Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia, F. Novak - Iskra RRI IEZE, Slovenia

  3. A Balanced Approach to Dynamic Idd Monitoring for On-chip SelfTest of Current-mode Circuits
    M. Sidiropoulos, V. Musil - Techn. Univ. of Brno, Czech Republic, H. Manhaeve - KHBO, Belgium

  4. Programmable Off-chip Iddq Monitor
    B. Straka, H. Manhaeve, J. Vanneuville - KHBO, Oostende, Belgium

  5. A New Approach to Fault Diagnosis of Analogue Circuits Using Neural Networks Based Techniques
    V. Amarger, A. Bengharbi, K. Madani - Université Paris XII, France

  6. Multi-Fault Diagnosis of Analog Circuits Using Multilayer Perceptron
    Y. Maidon, S. Lesage - IXL Laboratory, Bordeaux, France,
    B.W. Jervis, N. Dutton - Sheffield Hallam Univ., UK

  7. Accounting for Device Mismatch in Analogue Circuit Testing
    E. Cantatore, F. Corsi, D. De Venuto - Politecnico di Bari, Italy

  8. Estimation of Current Distribution in IDDQ Testing
    J.M. Diez, J.C. Lopez - Univ. Politecnica de Madrid, Spain

4:30pm-6:00pm: SESSION 4: Pattern Generation and Fault Detection

Chair: P. Teixeira, INESC, Portugal

  1. High Fault Coverage Behavioral Test Generation
    Li.C. Wang*, M.R. Mercer - Univ. of Texas at Austin, USA, T.W. Williams - IBM, USA

  2. Testing the Interconnect Strustures of Unconfigurated FPGA
    M. Renovell* - LIRMM, France, J. Figueras - UPC, Spain, Y. Zorian - AT&T Bell Labs, USA

  3. Achieving High Reliability in Low Cost Parity Prediction Array Arithmetic Operators
    H. Bederr - Texas Instruments, France, M. Nicolaidis - TIMA/INPG, France, Y. Zorian - AT&T Bell Labs, USA

8:00pm-10:00pm: DINNER


8:30am-10:00am: SESSION 5: Synthesis for Testability

Chair: B. Bennetts, Synopsys, UK

  1. Testability Driven Synthesis of Non-Scan Data-Paths
    M.L. Flottes*, B. Rouzeyre - LIRMM, France

  2. BELTA: a Tool for Handling Testability at the System Level
    F. Corno, P. Prinetto, M. Sonza Reorda - Politecnico di Torino, Italy

  3. High-Level Test Specification for SFT Using Object-Oriented Modeling Techniques
    O.P. Dias, M. Calha, I.C. Teixeira, J.P. Teixeira - INESC, Portugal

10:00am-11:00am: POSTER SESSION 3: High Level Test Generation and Synthesis

  1. Simplifying sequential gate-level test generation through exploitation of high-level information
    F. Ferrandi, F. Fummi - Politecnico di Milano, Italy
    E. Macii, M. Poncino, D. Sciuto - Politecnico di Torino, Italy

  2. Local Transformations and Robust Dependent Path Delay Faults
    H. Hengster, B. Becker - Albert Ludwigs Univ., Freiburg, Germany
    S.M. Reddy - Univ. of Iowa, USA
    U. Sparmann - University of Saarland, Saarbruecken, Germany

  3. Logic Optimization in Synchronous Circuits by using Topological ATPG Methods
    U. Glaser - GMD, Germany, K.T. Cheng - Univ. of Santa Barbara, USA

  4. Test Automation using Z Specifications
    E. Mikk - Christian Albrechts Universitaet, Kiel, Germany

  5. MOSA: a Multiple-Strategy Oriented Sequential ATPG
    A. Dargelas, C. Gauthron - COMPASS DA, France, Y. Bertrand - LIRMM, France

  6. An Approach to Develop Testable Software
    S.Y. Wang, M. Ross, G. Staples, I. Court - Southampton Institute, UK

  7. High Fault Coverage Behavioral Test Generation
    B. Benyo, A. Pataricza - Technical Univ. of Budapest, Hungary
    R. Vemuri - Univ. of Cincinnati, USA

  8. Test Economics Criterion for Hardware/Software Partitioning
    Y. Le Traon, G. Al Hayek, C. Robach - LSR-IMAG, France

11:00am-12:30pm: SESSION 6: High Level Test Pattern Generation

Chair: R. Ubar, Tallin Technical University, Estonia

  1. Investigations on High-Level Control for Gate-Level ATPG
    W. Geisselhardt*, B. Emshoff, M. Kaibel - Univ. of Duisburg, Germany

  2. High Level Test Pattern Generation for VHDL Circuits
    B. Sallay*, A. Petri, K. Tilly, A. Pataricza - Technical Univ. of Budapest, Hungary

  3. How Efficient is the Software Mutation Test on the Hardware Implementation
    G. Al Hayek, C. Robach* - LSR-IMAG, France

12:30pm-2:00pm: LUNCH

3:30pm-6:00pm: SOCIAL EVENT

8:00pm-10:00pm: BANQUET


8:30am-10:00am: SESSION 7: Self Test of Components and Systems

Chair: S. Barbagallo, Italtel SpA, Italy

  1. Deterministic BIST for Datapaths
    D. Gizopoulos, A. Paschalis - NCSR Athens, Greece, Y. Zorian - Lucent Bell Labs, USA

  2. Self-Learning Signature Analysis for Non-Volatile Memory Testing
    P. Olivo*, M. Dalpasso - Universita di Ferrara, Italy

  3. A Broad-Level Test Controller to Support a Hierarchical DFT Architecture
    J. Hakegard*,Z. Peng - Linköping Univ., Sweden, G. Carlsson - Microelectronics Ericsson Components, Sweden

10:00am-11:00am: POSTER SESSION 4: Fault Detection and Fault Models

  1. Delay-Fault ATPG for High-Speed Electrically Erasable PLDs
    H. Kerkhoff, C. Klaasen, G. Van Brakel - MESA Research Institute, The Netherlands, M. Sachdev - Philips Research Labs., The Netherlands

  2. The Minterm's Method. An Efficient Fault Model
    P. Debaud, E. Dupont-Nivet, C. Quennesson - CEA, France, H. Mehrez - MASI, Univ. Paris VI, France

  3. Diagnostic Test Paterrn Generation for Delay Faults using TDgen
    G. Van Brakel, H.G. Kerkhoff - MESA Research Institute, The Netherlands

  4. Design to Test (a.k.a. To Hell and back again)
    D. Bradly - LTX (Europe) Ltd., UK

  5. A Diagnostic ATPG for Delay Faults Based on Genetic Algorithms
    P. Girard, C. Landrault, S. Pravossoudovitch, B. Rodriguez - LIRMM, France

  6. On VHDL Defect Modeling and Simulation in CMOS Integrated Circuits
    F. Celeiro, L. Dias, J. Ferreira, M.B. Santos, J.P. Teixeira - INESC, Portugal

  7. Interconnections Testing Problems with Consideration of Multiple Faults
    A. Kristof - Politechnika Slaska w Gliwicach, Poland

  8. A New Floating Gate Fault Model for SPICE Fault Simulations
    A.J. Bishop, A. Ivanov - Univ. of British Columbia, Canada

11:00am-12:30pm: SESSION 8: IDDQ Testing

Chair: H. Manhaeve, KHBO, Belgium

  1. Quiescent Current Consumption in Defect-Free CMOS Registers
    A. Fere*, J. Figueras - UPC Barcelona, Spain

  2. Quiescent Current Testing of Opens in Conducting Paths in FCMOS Circuits
    V. Champac* - Inst. National de Astrofisica, Puebla, Mexico, J. Figueras - UPC Barcelona, Spain

  3. Iddq Test : Sensivity analysis of Scaling
    T.W. Williams*, R. Kapur - IBM, USA, M.R. Mercer - Texas A&M, USA,
    R.H. Dennard - IBM Yorktown, USA, W. Maly - CMU, Pittsburgh, USA

12:30pm-2:00pm: LUNCH

2:00pm-3:30pm: SESSION 9: Analog and Mixed Signal Testing

Chair: B. Courtois, TIMA, France

  1. Analog DFT Technique Implementation: a Case Study
    M. Renovell, F. Azais*, Y. Bertrand - LIRMM, France

  2. A broadband Test Method for A/D Converters
    M.T. Looijer*, A. Janssen, G. Seuren - Philips Research Laboratories, The Netherlands
    T. Zwemstra - Philips Semiconductor, The Netherlands

  3. A hybrid technique for testing embedded S.C. filters in mixed signals ICs
    M. Robson*, G. Russell - The University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK

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