Symposium booklet is now avalaible
Invited Distinguished Speaker from Group of Dr. Albert FERT, Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics, 2007. See the DETMET program here
ETS on-line registration is now closed. Only on-site registration will be possible, starting from Monday, May 27th, at 13h00.
Presentation slides in ppt format must be uploaded though the MOLE System web site before May 20, 2013
The MEDIAN Workshop provides an environment where ideas are exchanged and discussed, and new cooperations are created as researchers from the academic and industrial domains share their recent findings, theories and on-going work.
Constant advances in manufacturing yield and field reliability are important enabling factors for electronic devices pervading our lives, from medical to consumer electronics, from railways to the automotive and space scenarios. At the same time, both technology and architectures are today at a turning point; many ideas are being proposed to postpone the end of Moore’s law, such as extending CMOS technology as well as finding alternatives to it like CNTFET, QCA, memristors, etc. At the architectural level, the spin towards higher frequencies and aggressive dynamic instruction scheduling has been replaced by the trend of including many simpler cores on a single die. These paradigm shifts imply new dependability issues and require a rethinking of design, manufacturing, testing, and validation of reliable next-generation systems. These manufacturability and dependability issues will be resolved efficiently only if a cross-layer approach that takes into account technology, circuit and architectural aspects will be developed.
Click here to download the Call for Paper